Editorial Policy

At StatusHut, we intend to keep up high journalistic guidelines to give extraordinary and quality articles and news to our perusers composing for us, you consent to these terms and get that on the off chance that you don’t tail them, your article could be dismissed by us. You will enter an agreement with us that will request your composed consent to this approach.


We anticipate that all articles should be 100% unique. They should pass Copyscape and other written falsification checks. The author should just send ‘never-distributed’ content for endorsement by our editors. It is basic that you centre around composing content that offers some incentive to our perusers. Articles that have been copied or spun from a pre-distributed article will be rejected.

Cases and information

All cases and information with respect to money ought to be properly inspected before incorporating it into the article. No bogus cases or one-sided information will be engaged by the customers. We guarantee that whatever information is getting distributed on our site is as of now accessible in the open area and has been checked by applicable sources. The authors must connect the information/insights/cases to an applicable site where it was distributed beforehand.

Continuously try to give exact proof about the cases. You can incorporate pictures, charts, and screen captures to demonstrate your cases. In the event that no specialist sites, specialists back up your case, you ought to abstain from utilizing it in your Whatsapp status.


Every one of the articles you compose ought to contain some incentive for our perusers. Your article ought to have an unmistakable target that must be pursued to offer some incentive. We mean to give articles that can show the most recent news to our perusers and help them comprehend the subtleties of different accounts. Every one of the articles ought to be totally unprejudiced and there ought to be no advancement/advertising of any cash, market or organization at all.

Advancements and advertising

No article ought to contain any cases or data about a fund/organization/individual for advertising or limited-time purposes. The title, subheadings and the substance of your articles ought to dependably stay straightforward and impartial. You ought not to interface any article that advances an organization/money/individual. We emphatically demoralize the utilization of limited time/showcasing joins in our articles.


Be aware of the way that our perusers are not the overall population but rather individuals who are really intrigued by the fund. Your articles should dependably contain significant data for perusers who as of now comprehend the fund circle. Our point is to give them the most recent data and news about various funds. In this way, comprehend our perusers before composing an article for them.

Acknowledgement of the article

The acknowledgement of the article is exclusively reliant on the publication board. Our editors can acknowledge or dismiss without clarification. At the point when an article is acknowledged, we will scare you with our choice. Every choice by the board will be conclusive and authoritative to every one of the essayists.

News composing

While composing news for us, ensure that you are checking it with every single trustworthy source. Despite the fact that we have few courses of events for the production of news on our stage, we think that it’s basic to concentrate on the genuineness of every news post before distribution. Ensure that exact proof is accessible for every one of the news stories and information exhibited in the post.

We anticipate that you should pursue this publication arrangement for making great substance for our perusers.